Sec. Tournament Chips  

Latest version.
  • A. If a facility operator conducts a table game tournament, the tournament shall be conducted using tournament chips.

    B. The identifying characteristics of a tournament chip must include at least:

    (1) The name, logo, or other approved identification of the facility operator issuing the tournament chip;

    (2) The word “Tournament”;

    (3) The denomination of the chip;

    (4) The phrase “No Cash Value”;

    (5) Color or design combinations that distinguish the tournament chips from:

    (a) Roulette chips used for the play of roulette at the facility;

    (b) Value chips issued by a facility operator in the State; and

    (c) Poker rake chips.

    C. A facility operator shall store tournament chips in a secure area approved in advance by the Commission under COMAR

    D. A facility operator shall conduct an inventory of all tournament chips prior to the start and after the completion of each tournament.

    E. A facility operator shall send a weekly report to Commission compliance representatives of a discrepancy in the inventory on a report that shall include the balance for each denomination of tournament chip on hand at the beginning of the tournament and the balance on hand at the end of each tournament.