Sec. Minimum Design Standards Applicable to Equipment, a System, or Software  

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  • A. Equipment, a system, or software required to be tested, certified, and approved under this chapter shall:

    (1) Conform to the minimum design standards of this regulation; and

    (2) If applicable, conform to any specific additional design standards enumerated in this chapter.

    B. Equipment, a system, or software required to be tested, certified, and approved under this chapter shall, at a minimum, control logical access through:

    (1) Generation of daily monitoring logs documenting:

    (a) User access; and

    (b) Security incidents;

    (2) Assignment of rights and privileges to an individual user including specific protocols addressing:

    (a) Creation, modification, and termination of a unique system account for each user;

    (b) Password parameters which:

    (i) Require a minimum length;

    (ii) Incorporate an expiration interval; and

    (iii) Result in lockout; and

    (c) Administrator and override capabilities;

    (3) Use of access permissions to restrict an unauthorized user from performing any the following with regard to critical files and directories:

    (a) Reading;

    (b) Altering; or

    (c) Deleting; and

    (4) Restricted access to critical files and directories through:

    (a) Encryption; or

    (b) If approved by the Commission, internal controls provided the internal controls include:

    (i) The effective segregation of duties and responsibilities with regard to the system; and

    (ii) The automatic monitoring and recording by the system of access by an individual to its files and directories.

    C. Equipment, a system or software required to be tested, certified, and approved under this chapter shall, at a minimum, control system operations through:

    (1) Generation of daily monitoring logs and alert messages documenting:

    (a) System performance;

    (b) Hardware problems; and

    (c) Software errors;

    (2) Authentication of the source of a data transmission;

    (3) Transmission completeness and accuracy checks;

    (4) Detection of corrupt or lost data packets;

    (5) Rejection of a transmission;

    (6) Use of cryptographic controls for critical transmissions of data; and

    (7) Daily synchronization of its real time clock with that of equipment, systems, or software to which it is linked.

    D. Equipment, a system, or software required to be tested, certified, and approved under this chapter shall, at a minimum, control the integrity of data through:

    (1) Validation of inputs to critical fields including data:

    (a) Type; and

    (b) Format;

    (2) Rejection of corrupt data;

    (3) Automatic and independent recordation of critical data;

    (4) Independent verification of the accuracy of data; and

    (5) Segregation of all security critical system programs, files, and directories from other programs, files, and directories.

    E. Equipment, a system, or software required to be tested, certified, and approved under this chapter shall, at a minimum, ensure continuity through:

    (1) Data redundancy to permit a complete and prompt recovery of all information in the event of malfunction or power interruption; and

    (2) Environmental protections, including an uninterruptible power supply to protect critical hardware.