Sec. Agreement for Early Voting Center  

Latest version.
  • A. Agreement Required. A local board shall enter into a legally binding agreement with an authorized representative of the facility where early voting will be conducted.

    B. Required Provisions. The agreement shall contain the following provisions:

    (1) The dates and times when a local board requires access to the facility;

    (2) The amount of compensation, if any, a local board is required to pay to use the facility as an early voting center;

    (3) Authorization to install and test equipment and telecommunications connections before early voting, and remove equipment and connections after early voting;

    (4) Authorization to install temporary measures to improve access to the early voting center for voters with disabilities;

    (5) Require the facility to provide a local board with its policies and procedures for inclement weather and other emergency situations;

    (6) Whether the facility or the local board is responsible for providing appropriate services in case of inclement weather or other emergency situations;

    (7) If agreed to by the facility's authorized representative, a copy of the facility's disaster recovery plan;

    (8) Authorization to establish a no electioneering zone during early voting; and

    (9) Authorization to allow exit polling within the no electioneering zone.

    C. Filing with State Administrator. Within 30 days of executing the agreement, a local board shall file a copy of the signed agreement with the State Administrator.