Sec. Ballot Rejection — Basic Grounds  

Latest version.
  • The local board shall reject an absentee ballot if:

    A. The ballot was not timely received;

    B. The voter failed to sign the oath required by Election Law Article, §9-310, Annotated Code of Maryland;

    C. The local board determines that an absentee ballot is intentionally marked with an identifying mark that is clearly evident and placed on the ballot for the purposes of identifying the ballot;

    D. The ballot was issued to an agent and was not in a sealed envelope when returned; or

    E. The voter was required to submit personal identification information under COMAR but failed to submit that information before the absentee ballot canvass began, in which case the absentee ballot shall be treated as a provisional ballot properly applied for and canvassed insofar as possible under the procedures in COMAR,, and 33.16.06.