Sec. Application Process to Become an Approved Armored Car Company  

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  • A. Any application submitted by a company that does not meet the definition of an armored car company, as defined in Regulation .01 of this chapter will not be considered for approval.

    B. Any armored car company seeking to be approved to conduct supplemental background investigations shall be provided with an application packet in a format determined by the Secretary. This packet will include:

    (1) A listing of guidelines for submission of supplemental investigations for wear and carry handgun permit applicants;

    (2) A detailed listing of mandatory requirements to be included in the wear and carry handgun permit supplemental background investigation; and

    (3) A copy of the relevant provisions listed in COMAR, Public Safety Article, Title 5, Subtitle 3, Annotated Code of Maryland, and any other relevant sections of law which directly relate to the issuance of wear and carry handgun permits as prescribed by the Secretary.

    C. An armored car company shall submit the completed application, in the format determined by the Secretary, to be considered for approval to conduct wear and carry handgun permit supplemental background investigations.

    D. All completed applications submitted to the Secretary shall include the following:

    (1) Proof that the company meets the definition of an armored car company, as defined in Regulation .01B of this chapter; and

    (2) A sample supplemental background investigation which has been completed utilizing the format and requirements provided for and outlined in §B(1)-(3) of this regulation.