Code of Maryland Regulations (Last Updated: April 6, 2021) |
Title 26. Department of Environment |
Part 2. |
Chapter 26.10.13. Oil-Contaminated Soil |
Sec. Definitions
A. Terms not defined in this regulation have the meanings given to them in the relevant statutes or, if not defined in statutes, the meanings attributed by common use.
B. Terms Defined.
(1) "Approval" means written permission, other than an Oil Operations Permit, from the Department granted to an applicant to perform certain activities in accordance with the regulations in this chapter.
(2) "Bioremediation" means the breakdown of petroleum hydrocarbons through biological activity.
(3) "BTEX" means the chemical constituents benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes.
(4) "Department" means the Maryland Department of the Environment.
(5) "Land farming" means the process of controlled spreading of oil-contaminated soil to allow the enhanced biological degradation of petroleum compounds through volatilization, aeration, biodegradation, and photolysis.
(6) "Mobile treatment oil-contaminated soil facility" means equipment that is:
(a) Capable of being moved from place to place;
(b) Capable of treating oil-contaminated soil after it is excavated; and
(c) Used on-site.
(7) "Oil-contaminated soil" means soil that has been in contact with oil except for oil-contaminated soil that has been treated to a TPH concentration of 10 ppm or less.
(8) "Oil-contaminated soil facility" means a facility that receives oil-contaminated soil for treatment and storage.
(9) "Oil Operations Permit" means a permit issued pursuant to this chapter.
(10) "On site" means the immediate location where the oil-contaminated soil has been generated.
(11) "Pilot project" means an experimental oil-contaminated soil treatment project of less than 90 days in duration conducted under terms and conditions of an approval granted in accordance with this chapter.
(12) "Post-treatment soil" means oil-contaminated soil that has been treated to a TPH concentration of 10 ppm or less.
(13) "Secretary" means Secretary of the Environment or the Secretary's designee.
(14) "Shelter" means a freestanding structure that includes a roof, or an equivalent protective cover, and prevents the infiltration of rainwater.
(15) "TCLP" means the toxicity characteristic leaching procedure as defined in 40 CFR 261, Appendix II.
(16) "TPH" means total petroleum hydrocarbons.
(17) "Treatment" means any activity or process at an oil-contaminated soil facility that decreases, stabilizes, or is intended to decrease or stabilize the level of oil contaminants in oil-contaminated soil.
(18) "Used oil" means a petroleum-based oil or synthetic oil such as an engine lubricant, engine oil, motor oil, or lubricating oil for use in an internal combustion engine, or a lubricant for motor vehicle transmissions, gears, or axles which through use, storage, or handling has become unsuitable for its original purpose due to the presence of impurities or loss of original properties.