Sec. 13a.07.09.06. Evaluation Cycle  

Latest version.
  • A. Tenured Teachers. On the 3-year evaluation cycle, tenured teachers shall be evaluated once annually in the following ways:

    (1) In the first year of the evaluation cycle conducted under these regulations, tenured teachers shall be evaluated on both professional practice and student growth;

    (2) If in the first year of the evaluation cycle a tenured teacher is determined to be highly effective or effective, then in the second year of the evaluation cycle the tenured teacher shall be evaluated using the professional practice rating from the previous year and the student growth based on the most recent available data;

    (3) If in the second year of the evaluation cycle a tenured teacher is determined to be highly effective or effective, then in the third year of the evaluation cycle the tenured teacher shall be evaluated using the professional practice rating from the previous year and student growth based on the most recent available data;

    (4) At the beginning of the fourth year, the evaluation cycle shall begin again as described in §A(1)-(3) of this regulation; and

    (5) In any year, a principal may determine or a tenured teacher may request that the evaluation be based on a new review of professional practice along with student growth.

    B. Nontenured Teachers and Teachers Rated as Ineffective. All nontenured teachers and all teachers rated as ineffective shall be evaluated annually on student growth and professional practice.

    C. Principals. Every principal shall be evaluated at least once annually based on all of the components set forth in Regulations .04 and .05 of this chapter.