Sec. 13a.07.09.05. Default Model  

Latest version.
  • A. If the school system and the exclusive employee representative do not reach agreement on an evaluation system, the default model shall be adopted by the school system.

    B. The default model shall include:

    (1) A student growth component that comprises at least 50 percent of the teacher’s and principal’s evaluation in the following ways:

    (a) For school years 2014-2015 and 2015-2016, for elementary and middle school teachers providing instruction in State-assessed content areas, 20 percent of the evaluation shall be based on SLOs based on and informed by the data obtained from the State assessments and 30 percent on other SLOs or other locally determined measures;

    (b) For school years after 2015-2016, for elementary and middle school teachers providing instruction in State-assessed content areas, based on an analysis conducted by the Department of evaluation data obtained in school years 2014-2015 and 2015-2016, including and analysis of the use of State Assessment data as a direct measure of student growth, aggregate class growth scores for State-assessed content areas being taught may comprise at least 20 percent of the teacher’s evaluation;

    (c) For school years 2014-2015 and 2015-2016, elementary and middle school teachers providing instruction in non-State-assessed grades or content areas, SLOs or other locally determined measures in the content areas being taught shall comprise 50 percent of the evaluation;

    (d) For school years after 2015-2016, for elementary and middle school teachers providing instruction in non-State-assessed grades or content areas, based on an analysis conducted by the Department of evaluation data obtained in school years 2014-2015 and 2015-2016, SLOs or other locally determined measures may comprise up to 30 percent of the evaluation and a school-wide index may comprise up to 20 percent; and

    (e) For high school teachers, SLOs informed by the data obtained from the High School Assessments shall comprise 50 percent of the teacher’s evaluation;

    (2) A professional practice component that comprises at least 50 percent of the teacher’s evaluation in the following ways:

    (a) Planning and preparation - 12.5 percent;

    (b) Classroom environment - 12.5 percent;

    (c) Instruction - 12.5 percent; and

    (d) Professional responsibility - 12.5 percent;

    (3) Measures of student growth for principals as follows:

    (a) For elementary and middle school principals, student growth shall be measured by SLOs, in part, based on and informed by State assessment data, aggregate school-wide growth scores in State-assessed content areas, and the school-wide index;

    (b) For high school principals, student growth shall be measured by SLOs, in part, based on and informed by the high school assessment data and the school-wide index; and

    (c) For principals of other types of schools, student growth shall be measured by SLOs and the school-wide index;

    (4) A professional practice component for principals which:

    (a) Shall count for 50 percent of a principal’s evaluation; and

    (b) Shall include, but not be limited to, the outcomes in the Maryland Instructional Leadership Framework, and other outcomes based on Interstate School Leaders and Licensure Consortium (ISLLC); and

    (5) A provision that, until school year 2016-2017, student growth data based on or derived from State assessments may not be used to make personnel decisions.