Sec. 13a.07.09.02. Definitions  

Latest version.
  • A. In this chapter, the following terms have the meanings indicated.

    B. Terms Defined.

    (1) “Evaluation” means an appraisal of professional performance for a school year based on written criteria and procedures that result in a written evaluation report.

    (2) “Principal” means an individual who serves in the position as a principal and who is certificated under COMAR 13A.12.04.04 or certificated as a resident principal under COMAR 13A.12.04.05.

    (3) “State assessments” means the tests in mathematics and English/language arts developed or adopted by the Department that are aligned with the Maryland College and Career Ready standards and measure a student’s skills and knowledge as set forth in the content standards for those subjects.

    (4) “Student growth” means student progress assessed by multiple measures and from a clearly articulated baseline to one or more points in time.

    (5) Teacher.

    (a) “Teacher” means any individual certificated under COMAR 13A.12.02 as a teacher and who delivers instruction and is responsible for a student’s or group of students’ academic progress in a Pre-K—12 public school setting, subject to local school system interpretation.

    (b) “Teacher” may include an individual certificated by the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) under COMAR 13A.12.03 if the individual delivers instruction and is responsible for a group of students’ academic progress in a Pre-K—12 public school setting, subject to local school system interpretation.