Sec. 13a.02.06.04. State Financial Assistance under the Compensatory Education Grant  

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  • A. A student may be counted as eligible for State aid under the compensatory education grant if the student:

    (1) Is eligible for free and reduced price meals as of October 31 of the prior fiscal year;

    (2) Is between age 5 and age 21; and

    (3) Is enrolled in:

    (a) A regular public school day program in grades kindergarten-12; or

    (b) A home and hospital program operated by a local school system.

    B. A student with disabilities may be counted as eligible for State aid under the compensatory education grant if the student:

    (1) Is eligible for free and reduced price meals as of October 31 of the prior fiscal year;

    (2) Is between age 5 and age 21; and

    (3) Is enrolled in a special education program in the public school.

    C. The service providing local school system may include a child enrolled as the result of an out-of-county living arrangement under Education Article, §4-122, Annotated Code of Maryland, in its free and reduced price meal enrollment count for the purpose of calculating State aid under the compensatory education grant if the student meets all other eligibility requirements.

    D. If a local school system provides services to a nonlocal resident student under Education Article, §4-121, Annotated Code of Maryland, the local school system shall include the nonlocal resident student in its enrollment count for the purpose of calculating State aid under the compensatory education grant if the student meets all other eligibility requirements.

    E. Each local school system shall submit a report to the Department each year which includes:

    (1) The number of individuals eligible to participate in the free and reduced price meal program as reported in the official count submitted under guidelines established by the United States Department of Agriculture;

    (2) The number of individuals eligible to participate in the free and reduced price meal program, but not eligible for State aid under the compensatory education grant; and

    (3) The list of individuals eligible to participate in the free and reduced price meal program, but not eligible for State aid under the compensatory education grant, by school and unique student identifier.