Sec. Recreational, Cultural, and Community Activities  

Latest version.
  • A. The Director shall develop, implement, and maintain a recreational program for the inmate population.

    B. The Director shall ensure that an inmate is given the opportunity to participate in as many recreational activities as possible, considering Institution security and control needs.

    C. A volunteer may be used at the Institution for the recreation program, under the supervision of the recreation staff, and in conjunction with the volunteer services program requirements and security regulations.

    D. The Director may develop procedures for inmate participation in a community league when consistent with established Institution policy and security requirements.

    E. The unit treatment teams shall also be responsible for reviewing community activities and securing permission for inmates with appropriate leave status to attend community functions.

    F. Staff members involved with inmate recreation programs may consult with community-based interest groups to provide liaison services for programs, and to ensure community and Institution interaction.