Sec. Introduction  

Latest version.
  • A. The law establishing the Parole Commission of the State of Maryland provides for a separate agency within the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services with exclusive power to hear cases for parole release and revocation and to authorize the parole of persons sentenced under the laws of this State from any penal or correctional institution.

    B. The Commission also has the power to issue warrants for the return to custody of alleged violators of parole and to revoke a parole upon a showing of a violation of the conditions of parole.

    C. In addition, the Commission evaluates information on the activities of parolees as reported by the Division of Parole and Probation and makes recommendations to the Governor with respect to life cases, pardons, and commutations of sentences.

    D. These regulations are promulgated by the Parole Commission pursuant to Correctional Services Article, §7-207, Annotated Code of Maryland, as amended, and may not be construed as waiving or abrogating any existing statutes or laws.