Sec. Requesting to Marry an Inmate at a Correctional Facility  

Latest version.
  • A. The inmate and the inmate’s intended spouse are required to independently submit a written request to marry.

    B. A written request to marry under §A of this regulation shall be submitted to the inmate’s managing official:

    (1) In a format established by the managing official that, at a minimum, provides the following information:

    (a) From the inmate, the:

    (i) Inmate’s name;

    (ii) Inmate’s identification number;

    (iii) Inmate’s facility and housing assignment;

    (iv) Intended spouse’s full name;

    (v) Intended spouse’s date of birth;

    (vi) The date requested for the ceremony; and

    (vii) The type of ceremony, for example, civil or religious; and

    (b) From the intended spouse, the intended spouse’s:

    (i) Full name;

    (ii) Current address;

    (iii) Current telephone number;

    (iv) Date of birth;

    (v) Social security number;

    (vi) Statement indicating that the intended spouse has reviewed or declines to view the inmate’s correctional history; and

    (vii) Correctional or law enforcement volunteer or employment history, if applicable; and

    (2) At least 60 business days before the date requested for the ceremony.

    C. If requested, a managing official may approve up to three sessions of premarital counseling involving the inmate, intended spouse, and approved officiant.

    D. Only the managing official of the correctional facility where an inmate is requesting to marry may authorize an inmate to marry at the correctional facility.

    E. A managing official may not require a chaplain or other religious leader under the authority of the managing official to participate in the inmate marriage process established under this chapter if the chaplain or other religious leader has a religious constraint.