Sec. Intermediate Sanctions  

Latest version.
  • A. If the Department determines that a program licensed under this chapter has violated a requirement of this subtitle, the Department’s designated approval unit may take one or more of the following actions:

    (1) Prohibit the program from serving any additional individuals;

    (2) Require the program to reduce the number of individuals currently receiving services;

    (3) Prohibit the program from providing specific services or restricting the program to providing only specified services;

    (4) Require the program, and any of its staff, to receive mandatory training in identified areas;

    (5) Require the program to use the services of a consultant approved in advance by the Department;

    (6) Require the establishment of an escrow account;

    (7) Impose a civil money penalty, in accordance with this chapter.

    B. If the Department imposes a sanction under this regulation, the program shall notify individuals receiving services from the program, or the guardians of these individuals, of the sanction.