Sec. Anxiolysis  

Latest version.
  • A. A permit is not required for a dentist to administer anxiolysis.

    B. The administering, prescribing, or dispensing of more than one type of sedative, narcotic, class of drug, or medication for the purpose of anesthesia to be taken the evening before a procedure, or the morning of a procedure, is not anxiolysis and shall require the appropriate anesthesia or sedation permit.

    C. A dentist who intends to administer anxiolysis shall indicate the intent to administer anxiolysis in the patient's records.

    D. A dentist who administers anxiolysis may not administer a dose that is inappropriate for a patient's:

    (1) Age;

    (2) Weight;

    (3) Medical condition;

    (4) Infirmities; or

    (5) Other propensities.

    E. Medications used to produce anxiolysis may not exceed current limits set by the manufacturer for unmonitored use by the individual.

    F. A dentist who administers anxiolysis shall maintain a margin of safety and a level of consciousness that does not approach moderate sedation and other deeper states of sedation and general anesthesia.