Sec. Renewal Requirements  

Latest version.
  • A. A licensee shall earn CEUs between April 1 and March 31 during the 2-year period before renewal and maintain the records of the course subject, hours, date, and continuing education units to present to the Board on request.

    B. CEUs completed after March 31 of the year of the renewal may not be accepted.

    C. All renewal applications shall be accompanied by a continuing education form to be completed by the licensee.

    D. A physical therapist shall earn 3 CEUs equal to 30 contact hours for the renewal period.

    E. A physical therapy assistant shall earn 2 CEUs equal to 20 contact hours for the renewal period.

    F. CEUs may not be carried over from one renewal period to the next.

    G. Failure to substantiate CEUs if requested by the Board shall result in denial of license renewal or of reinstatement of a license.

    H. If the licensee has met all the requirements for renewal, the Board may renew a license for the first renewal period following the issuance of the original license without requiring the physical therapist or physical therapist assistant to complete any CEUs if, at the time of renewal, the original license was issued 1 year or less before the renewal period.