Sec. Administration of Lead Exposure Risk Questionnaire  

Latest version.
  • A primary care provider for a child shall complete a lead exposure risk questionnaire:

    A. During the 12-month visit and again during the 24-month visit if the child does not reside in an at-risk area;

    B. If the child does not reside in an at-risk area and is 24 months old or older and younger than 6 years old, and the provider does not have documentation that a blood test for lead poisoning or a lead exposure risk questionnaire has been previously administered to, or completed on behalf of, the child;

    C. At each well-child check for a child who is 6 months old or older and younger than 6 years old, and resides in an at-risk area; and

    D. In accordance with the EPSDT requirements for a child insured under the Maryland Medicaid program regardless of the child's area of residence.