Sec. Patients' Rights and Responsibilities  

Latest version.
  • A. The administrator shall ensure that the facility develops and implements written policies and procedures concerning patients' rights and responsibilities.

    B. The facility shall make the policies and procedures available to patients, guardians, or other health care decision makers, as defined by Health-General Article, Title 5, Subtitle 6, Annotated Code of Maryland, and the public.

    C. The policies and procedures shall ensure that:

    (1) The facility informs patients of services that are available and the charges for services not covered by third-party payors;

    (2) A physician, dentist, podiatrist, or other qualified health care practitioner informs patients of their medical conditions unless medically contraindicated as documented in their medical records;

    (3) All patients are afforded an opportunity to participate in planning their medical treatments and to refuse to participate in experimental research; and

    (4) All patients are ensured confidential treatment of their medical records, and may approve or refuse release of records to any individual outside the facility, except as provided by federal or State law.