Sec. Post-Acceptance Responsibilities  

Latest version.
  • A. The provider agency shall:

    (1) Within 30 calendar days of a child's acceptance into the program, develop a treatment plan in conjunction with the local department;

    (2) Convene a team, including but not limited to the local department of social services, treatment parents, and therapist to evaluate each child's treatment plan at intervals not to exceed 3 months;

    (3) Visit the treatment foster parents at least twice a month;

    (4) Provide a child access to medical care;

    (5) Have face-to-face contact with a child at a minimum of twice a month;

    (6) Provide services to the biological family of a treatment foster care child as required in the permanency and treatment plans;

    (7) Attend foster care review board hearings and court hearings;

    (8) Provide advance information to the local department on changes affecting services to a child which could result in revisions to the treatment plan, such as changes in placement, placement location, or visitation plans;

    (9) Provide the local department every 3 months with a written progress report on the treatment plan;

    (10) Provide the treatment foster parents all medical and psychological information necessary for the care of a child;

    (11) Provide treatment foster parents access to both planned and crisis respite care of their treatment foster children; and

    (12) Maintain a written preservice and in-service training curriculum specific to the population serviced.

    B. The local department shall:

    (1) Within 30 calendar days of the child's acceptance into the provider agency, develop a permanency plan in conjunction with the provider agency;

    (2) Inform the foster care review board and the court of a child's placement with the provider agency and the name of the child's case manager;

    (3) Review with a child's case manager the progress report required in §A(9) of this regulation;

    (4) Meet with a child and the child's biological family every 6 months in consultation with the child's case manager to update the treatment plan; and

    (5) Attend foster care review board hearings and court hearings.